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Govt. Bangla College

Govt. Bangla College Admission Information Form Result

Govt. Bangla College

is a famous college of Mirpur, Dhaka. Govt. Bangla College is a college of Bangladesh established on 1 October, 1962 by Abul Kashem in order to promote the use of the Bengali language in higher education.

Full Name: Govt. Bangla College

Nick Name: BC

Type: Govt. University College

History: Abul Kashem Principal, an activist of the movement of historical language Bengali, Bangla College founded in 1962. The Bengali Association is located in Mirpur, in 1964, used for night-shift classes in the formative years in the winery Nabakumar Institute.

Campus Location: Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Year of Establishment: 1 October 1962

Principal: Prof. S M Mokfur Hossain (2012)

Students: 22000

Admission: There are admission facilities in college 11th class or 1st year and in honours 1st year under National University Bangladesh. Admission process procedure is run according to the rules of Ministry of Education, Bangladesh.

Teaching Medium: There are Bengali/English medium education in Govt. Bangla College.

Education Board: Dhaka Education Board

Official Website:


Sports: There are common sports in this college like Football, Cricket, Handball etc.

Others: This institution is one of the famous college in this district. They have a good appearance in the education sector.


Govt. Bangla College

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